RunKing - GPSを使ったマラソン大会

4.4 ( 2354 ratings )
الألعاب الرياضية اللياقة الصحية &
المطور: Funtap Co. Ltd.

RunKing is the application that supports you to run a marathon route whenever you like.
The audio navigation fitted with GPS will lead you through your earphones to run the entire course without loosing your way.
The features to motivate the runners include;
You can check the rank of your time among all the runners.
As your time improves, the color of your saddlecloth upgrades!

Main features of RunKing

Audio course guidance:
Once you select and purchase a marathon course, you will be smoothly navigated with optimized information for running the entire course, including the location of intersections and halfway point.

Recording the time:
You can check your rank of your time among all the runners on the same course, in both the gender and age backets.

Searching for convenient store or toilets:
With this RunKing, you dont need to worry about toilets or the place you can buy some drinks while you are running.
You can search for closest facilities from where you are.

Run with your favorite music and lap time:
This feature enables you to enjoy your favorite music and to receive the lap time announcement while you are running.

Auto-pause function / Off-course announcement:
Timing automatically stops when you unavoidably stop running, for example to wait for stoplights.
In case you happen to run off course, you will receive a announcement to notice that.

Keep going to achieve the Diamond saddlecloth!:
You start from blue saddlecloth, and as your time improves the color of your saddlecloth will be upgraded into silver, gold, platinum, and finally diamond.

Course Information
- Kyoto marathon 2015(15th of February 2014) will be released on 4th of July 2014

*Kyoto city has a registered trademark of Kyoto marathon.
FunTap Co., Ltd. presents course data.

Using this app, the life of mobile phone battery is about 10 hours, but this lifetime depends on the status of the phone.
You should start to run a marathon after full charging.


- Run in line in order not to obstruct pedestrians
- Watch out for cars when running along a busy street
- Keep traffic rules
- Dont have a wash anywhere but in a public restroom
- Run with attention-attracted wear in the evening
- Have an enough warm‐up and cool-down
- Quit running if you are not well conditioned